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Welcome to my little spot on the Internet! Feel free to wander around and check out everything that I have to offer. With a few thousand pages scattered throughout the website, something is bound to catch your attention.

Site Updates

  • BV Gaming ~ Posted June 30, 2024
    • I have been meaning to post an update as I have streamed to Twitch and YouTube a few times since last post. Check my YouTube Channel for more info.
  • BV Gaming ~ Posted May 2, 2024
    • I am currently looking at just recording my adventures and then upload them to my YouTube Channel.
    • Why? You might ask. Well, that is a real good question as I just can’t quit optimizing things and it turns out my recordings are looking pretty good. Thus, I can post my experiences. Last time I streamed, it looked like 320×200 and being viewed through a screen door. Oddly enough, I was making my graphics card cry so I tuned things down a bit and everything is running smoother… at least on the recording side. It is very tough to tweak live streams as so many variables exist, but I will get it down soon and post my results.
    • I now have some AC: Valhalla content as well as New Star GP (low budget?) racing game of which is really good. I will attempt upload at some point in the future.
  • BV Gaming ~ Posted April  18, 2024
    • Update: Today, it only took three tries to stream to YT and T.TV. Misconfiguration(s) on my part resulted in a less than an awesome experience.
    • Gaming content will be located on my YouTube Channel or Twitch stream.
    • I will post at random times as well as with random games.
      • Usually the gaming content is recently released.
  • BV Gaming ~ Posted April  5, 2024
    • Update: Things didn’t go as planned, but I shall be streaming soon.
    • Gaming content will be located on my YouTube Channel or Twitch stream.
    • I will post at random times as well as with random games.
      • Usually the gaming content is recently released.

I thank you, kind reader, in advance for your support!